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OpenVDB 5.0.0 or above -> requires Half, TBB
VTK 7.1
Cmake 3.10
config4cpp (included in external directory) -> requires Boost 1.65
g++ with OpenMP

Recommended software for 3D geometry modeling and .stl surface grid preparation: OpenSCAD
Recommended software for geometry definition (boundary points specification for MFThreads) and results analysis and visualization: Paraview

The build system has been tested on Linux Mint 19 (Tara) based on Ubuntu Bionic. All required packages are available from a distro repository.

To build Microflow 3D run script build.sh in the program directory.
The executable Microflow file will be put into the build directory and copied to the main program directory. Run the Microflow from the main program directory.
To completely clean source code simply delete the build directory and go to /external/config4cpp/ and run make clean for config4cpp cleaning.